Last night my wife and I decided to order takeout. We weren't sure All websites were examined on an iPhone SE in Safari at 100% page zoom.
Fast Food Restaurants
Burger King
Taco Bell
Burger King
Burger King utilizes a persistent tab bar placed at the bottom of the screen to facilitate navigation. A vague call to action—Sign Up—is placed in the header. It's not entirely clear what Burger King wants you to sign up for. Special offers? A newsletter?
Fast Casual Restaurants
Pancake Houses
Casual Dining Restaurants
Fine Dining Restaurants
Locally-Owned Restaurants
Common Themes
Carryout, Curbside Pickup and Delivery Options
The majority of these restaurants offer carryout, contactless curbside pickup and delivery options. Some even offer free delivery if you order online.
COVID-19 Responses, Safety Measures and Updates
Start an Order/Order Now Calls to Action